96th Annual Meeting of the German Society of ORL & HNS | Cestovný grant od nemeckej ORL spoločnosti pre lekárov do 35 rokov


Travelling Grant
96th Annual Meeting
German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology,
Head and Neck Surgery
28th–31st May 2025, Frankfurt a. M. /Germany

The German ENT-Society offers a travel grant for the ENT-Congress in 2025, which will
be held in Frankfurt a. M./Germany from 28th until 31st May 2025. The President is
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Timo Stöver, Frankfurt a. M./Germany. Integrated in the congress is
the “International Forum” (29th–30th May 2025) with presentations in English. The support
amounts to 500 EUR and can be used for travelling and accommodation. The congress
fee will be waived additionally. The grant aims at young ENT colleagues or scientists (age
max. 35 years) from countries with limited resources to support visits abroad.

Necessary steps for your application:

1.) Submit your Abstract (Lecture or Visual Abstract with/without Short Presentation)
online via: www.hno-kongress.de. The applicant must be the first author.

2.) Please complete and sign the application form (next page)

3.) Send: The completed form, Your Curriculum Vitae, Your publications list
via Email to: support-dghno@conventus.de to the German ENT Society

The number of grants is limited and decisions will be made by a committee, based on
various criteria. The grant will be awarded during the conference.

Deadline for the complete application: 31st October 2024.


Travelling grant 2025

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